Monday, May 25, 2009

Ten Vital Reasons To Use Real Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is very special and unique. This is something that people along the Mediterranean, as well as gourmets everywhere, have known for a long time. Thomas Jefferson is even said to have considered the olive tree as ‘surely the richest gift of Heaven’. Well, recent studies show that President Jefferson might just have been right.

Here are 10 reasons why real extra virgin olive oil should be a part of everyone’s diet:

1 – Olive oil protects against heart disease – “Olive oil's heart effect located”

‘Scientists say they have pinpointed the micronutrients in olive oil that make it a good heart protector.’ ‘Virgin or extra virgin olive oils are best because they have the highest phenol content, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reports’ - Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia, Cordoba (Spain)

2 - Alzheimer’s – “How you can take brain health to heart”

‘Studies have shown that high intake of saturated fat and cholesterol clogs the arteries and is associated with higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Use mono and polyunsaturated fats, such as olive oil. - Alzheimer’s Association

3 - “Olive Oil Could Help Fight Colon Cancer”

‘Researchers at the University of Ulster have found new evidence of the link between virgin olive oil and healthy living.’ ‘The team of researchers ….. concluded that a mixture of compounds, called phenols, extracted from virgin olive oil could safeguard against colon cancer. Colon cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the Western world – and the second highest cause of cancer death in the US.’ - University of Ulster

4 - “Virgin olive oil may protect against skin cancer”

‘Scientists now say an application of virgin olive oil after sunbathing may protect against skin cancer.’

- Kobe University School of Medicine

5 - “Olive Oil Seems To Protect Against Bowel Cancer”

‘Olive oil seems to protect against bowel cancer, suggests research involving 28 countries in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.’ - Center for the Advancement of Health

6 – “Northwestern Study Shows Why Olive Oil Protects Against Breast Cancer”

‘Oleic acid, the main monounsaturated fatty acid contained in olive oil, can cripple a cancer gene that is responsible for 25 to 30 percent of all breast cancers, according to an article by Northwestern University researchers published in the Jan. 10 issue of the Annals of Oncology.’ - Northwestern University

7 - “Olive Oil Reduces the Need for Blood Pressure Drugs”

“Olive oil is widely advocated as being good for preventing heart disease, but has not hitherto been associated with blood pressure reduction. An Italian study now suggests that it may lower blood pressure.”

- Cardiovascular Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York

8 – “Olive oil 'acts like painkiller”

‘Researchers found 50g of extra-virgin olive oil was equivalent to about a tenth of a dose of ibuprofen. … an ingredient in the oil acted as an anti-inflammatory’ - Monell Chemical Senses Centre

9 - Circulation – “Blood vessels appear healthier after people consume olive oil high in phenolic compounds”

"Phenolic compounds in olive oil, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties, may explain cardiovascular health benefits associated with the so-called Mediterranean Diet" - American College of Cardiology

10 – Skin Health – “Eat your wrinkles away”

“The study authors speculated that certain foods offered skin protection due to their high levels of antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E. Monounsaturated fats such as olive oil may offer protection through the same mechanism…fatty acids are present in the skin, and monounsaturated fats resist oxidative damage.” - Monash University, Melbourne

However, there is a proviso: Dr. Robert F. Wilson, M.D., of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis stated the following: ‘not all olive oils have a high phenolic content.’ "So these results might not be true for all olive oil on the shelf at the grocery store". The reason for this is that many brands labeled as ‘extra virgin olive oil’ are diluted with other oils so the phenolic content is equally diminished.

In view of the foregoing, olive oil consumers should accept no substitutes - Whereas the taste and flavor enhancing properties are more than enough reason to include extra virgin olive oil as part of our daily diet, when the health benefits are factored in - the case for real extra virgin olive oil becomes compelling.

About The Author

Kelly Martinez

Managing Partner Antonio Celentano Extra Virgin Olive Oil –

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Atkins Diet: Is it a Con? by: Louis Zhang

The Atkins Diet is a weight loss program for those who intend to lose a few pounds or even more. It mainly consists of eating foods that are high in protein and very low in carbohydrates. The only problem is that on the long-run is it healthy?

What Should I Eat?

Normally, low carbohydrate diets means taking out certain foods out of your regular diet and increasing the intake of others. If you choose this diet, you'll avoid all foods with carbohydrates. In other words, you stop eating starches and sugars such as beans, fruits, certain vegetables, bread, rice, cereals, pasta and other grain products. Hence, you would be eating foods high in protein such as meat, cheese and non-starchy vegetables. As the diet progresses, the restrictions on starchy foods relax a bit but still are limited.

What Kind of Atkins Food?

Atkins weight loss diet program include foods like bacon, eggs, cheeseburgers (no bun), green salads (no dressing), seafood and steaks. Although all of these foods are very high in protein they also come with a very high percentage of saturated fat and cholesterol and are low in fiber which isn't very good for the body. They also do not provide the required minimum of minerals and vitamins. By restricting these nutrients even just for a few weeks could lead you to several serious consequences including potential cardiac, renal, bone and liver abnormalities.

Why Is It So Popular?

The reason why this diet is so popular is mainly because of the kinds of food you eat which is very similar to fast food and that most people still manage to lose weight over a year. However, if you compare this diet to any other kind of diet program the difference in weight loss does not make much of a difference. Furthermore, the lack of nutrients over a year due to an unbalanced diet may harm your body. Although many Americans have started the Atkins diet hoping that it will help them shed a few pounds, many doctors do not recommend this diet because it will not effectively lower weight with a healthy outcome.

Atkins Side Effects

Numerous health concerns arise from prolonged use of these diets.

1. Colon Cancer. Increased intake of meat is associated with an increased risk of colon cancer, a common cancer found in America.

2. Heart Disease. The abnormally high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol in Atkins diets are known to be a risk factor in heart disease.

3. Kidney Disease. High protein diets are also a contributing factor for increasing the risk of kidney problems.

4. Diabetes. The elimination of sugars and fruits may cause complications with diabetes.

5. Osteoporosis. The thinning of bones called osteoporosis is also a concern for those who are on the Atkins Diet.

6. Side Effects. Constipation, headaches, bad breath, muscle cramps, diarrhea and weakness are all side effects commonly found in people who use this weight loss diet.

7. Other Health Problems. While obesity is a concern, those who have severe weight problems also usually have additional health concerns. The Atkins diet can enhance these issues turning them from minor problems into serious ones.


As of now, the Atkins diet have made quite a few million dollars by selling products such as books, videos and food products. It is a lucrative industry that aims at those who feel they need to lose weight. Because of this, features are upgraded in some products without addressing any additional health concerns. It causes people who have decided to reduce or cut out necessary foods potentially serious health problems. You should check with your doctor about the type of weight loss program that would be best for you.

About The Author

At, Louis Zhang tells you everything you want to know about weight loss, diets such as Atkins diet at and more. Start saying goodbye to those unwanted extra pounds today!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to Manage Pain after Colon Surgery

The secret to living a healthy life is by taking care of your body. You can do this by eating the right kinds of food in the right amounts and doing daily exercise. But because of the lifestyle changes of many persons, millions of people are getting sick every year.

Even if you don’t want to end up getting sick, there are times when it is inevitable. And just when you think that you’re already living a healthy life, you’re diagnosed with colon cancer.

All the future dreams of colon cancer patients fall apart upon the diagnosis of the disease especially if they are already on the late stage. It would be better if the disease was diagnosed earlier because it can be cured through several treatments.

If you think that you’re a candidate for colon cancer, it would be best to monitor your health and look for the possible symptoms. If you experience any symptom like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, blood in your stool, etc. you must consult a doctor immediately and undergo the necessary tests to determine if you have the disease.

Several tests will be performed to determine the extent of the colon cancer and only after proper diagnosis is the treatment plan given. If the primary procedure is surgery, you will have to deal with the pain normally felt after the surgery.

No one wants to experience pain and for colon cancer patients, this is one situation that they have to face if they want to get well. Pain after colon cancer surgery can be controlled through the use of certain medications.

One very common medication given to colon cancer patients who had surgery is Epidural Anesthesia. This is not only used for abdominal operations but also for chest and leg operations as well. Colon surgery uses this particular treatment to manage pain.

An epidural catheter is placed near the nerves of the spine that carries sensation from the abdomen (where the operation was performed). For several days, the pain can be controlled through the infused mixture of narcotic drug and anesthetic drug. This is also the time when the pain is at its highest level so this is greatly needed to control the pain.

Epidurals provide great pain management without modification of consciousness and appreciable sedation. The nerves are also not affected since the anesthetic drug given is just a small amount. In this stage, you can walk, deep breathe, and cough. This will also prevent pneumonia development.

Once the pain subsides and this usually happens after several days, the doctor may prescribe milder medications like pain killers in pill-form.

Don’t use any medication not otherwise prescribed by your doctor. This can also help in preventing any complications. Besides, your doctor may still recommend further tests to make sure that the cancer cells are no longer present in your colon or in other parts of the body.

Follow all the instructions of your doctor so that the pain will disappear in a few days. The pain-killer medications will be of great help for you especially after the surgery. Take them according to the instructions of your doctor so that the pain will not last for a long time. Your body will heal soon enough so you don’t have to bear with the pain forever. Remember to live a healthy lifestyle from then on. Being a cancer survivor also means that you’re given another lease on life, so make the most of it.

About The Author

Rajesh Karavadia is the author and webmaster of, an informative website about Colon Cancer. Different types of information is discussed including information on colon cancer symptoms and colon cancer treatment

Friday, May 22, 2009

Calcium Benefits for Better Health

Calcium is the mineral most likely to be deficient in the average diet. Calcium deficiency is a condition that is now more and more common. Only 21 percent of us are getting the recommended amount of calcium, according to federal government statistics. The result of insufficient amounts of calcium in our bodies over the long term may be thinning bones, termed osteoporosis or the softening of bony tissue, called osteomalacia. The faulty metabolism of calcium during childhood may result in a condition called rickets. Recent research even points to calcium deficiency as being a possible cause of hypertension (high blood pressure) and of colon cancer. You’ve probably heard it many times before. You need calcium to prevent osteoporosis. But a lack of this mineral means more than weak bones. Key organs and bodily functions, like your heart and metabolism, need calcium to operate at their best.

Calcium is very important to the human body. It helps to contract muscles and helps regulate the contractions of the heart. It plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses and in blood clotting. Calcium is involved in the stimulation of contractions of the uterus during childbirth and in milk production. It also regulates the secretion of various hormones and aids in the functioning of various enzymes within the body. Since vitamin C is important for so many necessary bodily functions, taking a liquid multivitamin that is rich in vitamin C is strongly advised. For a list of good quality multivitamin supplements go to

Calcium also helps keep the weight off. Research suggests that if you don't get enough calcium in your diet, you're likely to be overweight. Of course, it's possible to be overweight even if you do get plenty of calcium, but an adequate supply of Calcium appears to make it easier to maintain a healthy weight. The reason has to do with your body's response to a calcium deficit. When you're low, your body thinks you're starving and enters emergency mode, releasing parathyroid hormone from four glands in your neck. This hormone stimulates your bones to release some calcium into your bloodstream. Your kidneys also deliver a dose of a hormone called calcitriol, a form of vitamin D, to increase your ability to absorb calcium. This helps keep the body in balance, but is operating the body in an emergency mode, which over time, is very unhealthy.

Calcium also protects your heart. An adequate supply of calcium helps muscles, including your heart muscle, do their work of contracting and relaxing. Calcium also appears to help your nervous system regulate the level of pressure in your arteries.

Calcium protects against colon cancer. Adequate calcium intake may reduce your overall risk of colon cancer and suppress the growth of polyps that can lead to cancer. Researchers don't know exactly why this happens, but it may be linked to the excess calcium that's left in your intestines after your body absorbs what it needs. On its way through the colon, this unabsorbed calcium is believed to bind with cancer promoters so they're excreted together from the body. Studies have shown that both food sources of calcium and calcium supplements provide this protective effect. Calcium supplements should be taken in liquid form because liquid vitamins absorb 5 times better then do pill forms.

Calcium maintains healthy teeth. Calcium protects your teeth in an indirect way. Your teeth themselves are relatively inert, meaning that the calcium they contain usually stays there. Your jawbone is the potential problem. Like other bones, it gradually surrenders calcium for needs elsewhere in your body if you're not consuming enough. As your jaw weakens, your teeth loosen, creating gaps where bacteria can invade, triggering infection, inflammation, and bleeding. In fact, the condition of your teeth and gums can be a window to the overall health of your bones. Not surprisingly, the first signs of osteoporosis are sometimes found by your dentist.

A good multivitamin is the foundation of health and nutrition. For a list of quality products that can help you reach your nutritional goals go to

About The Author

Alex Gomez is the owner and editor for Visit our site for all your natural nutritional needs

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Colon Cancer Causes Revealed

Colon cancer is a major illness and one that can cause life altering effects. In fact, this form of cancer is one of the most common in the nation. Most colon cancer patients suffer from polyps, which are abnormal cells that form clusters. When normal cells begin to transform, a potential problem arises. As time progresses, these growths get bigger and can lead to the development of cancer. A vast majority of sufferers have a family history with the disease. In addition, the risk of developing colon cancer increases with age and is most common in those ages 50 and up. Certain individuals simply carry the genetic makeup, which can be identified through a series of tests, that may lead to colon cancer.

While there are no certain ways to pinpoint exactly who develops cancer, or why, there are several risk factors that may increase an individual’s chance of developing the illness. Among them, a previous battle with cancer, a family history with colon cancer, poor diets, smoking and obesity. With so many risk factors, one may wonder if there is anything that they can do in order to prevent colon cancer. Studies show that a lot of physical activity or exercise and a low-fat, high-fiber diet may help to reduce the risks. In addition, certain medicines may also help to prevent the disease.

As is the case with many ailments, symptoms are often very similar to those of other diseases. It can be extremely difficult to get an accurate assessment of what’s wrong when so many illnesses carry the same symptoms. For this reason, it’s important to seek medical attention if an individual experiences abnormal bleeding, weakness, pale complexion or abdominal expansion without weight gain, nausea, any change in bowel movements or weight loss. Each person is different and, as such, symptoms may vary slightly. Because symptoms may either present themselves as severe or barely noticeable, it is recommended that patients be screened regularly for the presence of cancer causing factors.

If left untreated, any type of cancerous cells have the ability to grow and spread throughout the rest of the body. This can lead to the need for further surgery, more intense treatments or, in the worst case, a cancer may become so advanced that it will not respond to treatment. When seeking medical attention, it’s important to understand that there are a series of tests that can detect and diagnose colon cancer. A physician will be able to answer any questions that a patient may have regarding treatment options and the likelihood of their success.

This article should not be construed as professional medical advice. If you, or someone that you know, is concerned about the possibility of cancer, you should seek medical attention immediately. A medical doctor can discuss various options, prevention and treatment possibilities should the presence of cancer be detected. A series of tests may be conducted in order to confirm, or rule out, any such diagnosis and can only be done by a medical doctor.

About The Author

Dr. Logan Pallas is an experienced cancer researcher. Visit his colon cancer directory located at for more details. You are permitted to reprint this article in its entirety as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.